117 Ministry runs athwart of conventional liturgy in its adherence to the primordial roots of the Gospels rather than dilute their message. Sin runs amok today in virtue of how craven most Church leaders have become insofar as they are too timid to confront the hordes of bandits who beguile the flock into errancy. Or worse they are complicit in the malefaction. Our church does not cower to any departures from the written word perpetuated by wolves bent on dividing and destroying Christendom at the altar of their sordid beliefs.
Our church is reserved for the strongest amongst the faith to be remade into kings and queens so they may proliferate a message of duty not of reconciliation. 'Do not assume I have come to bring peace to the earth,' Jesus exclaimed, 'I have not come to bring peace but a sword (Matthew 10:34).' Compromise does not exist in the lexicon of our ironclad faith for it is otherwise an invitation to the perversions of man.
From the sands of the Colosseum to pogroms that still beleaguer us the saga of our martyrs throws into relief how we are the most persecuted faith where in some parts we near extinction. In the East we face death and in the West secularism and materialism cull our numbers. The reality hews to the omnipotence of our family that man is raring to purge for at a visceral level he loathes being reminded of his sin.
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